Battle wounds.....

Yep folks, here it is. I don't know about you, but I'm thinking that with a hammer and a vise, I can straighten this out! :wink:

Hehehe... I'm not drunk or anything, just kidding around. :lol: This is mainly to show just how bad it was bent. (if you followed my "well, it's official" thread) I do have to question whether or not the piston is ok. It looks fine to me except for the indentation where it smacked the hell out of the valve. What do YOU think?

I checked the spring pressure on the spring that was on this valve and came up with 160 closed and 380 open. Pretty much tells me these springs are shot, although the CompCams springs that are recommended for this cam are pretty dang close to my pressures. Comp says the springs are supposed to be 165 @ 1.80" and 385 @ 1.20". Who knows......Seems awefully light for a roller cam, and a solid one at that.