Anyone's teen child vote today?

Mine did, and I have to say I am personally frustrated with her.
Tell me if I am taking this too personally or not.

To sum it up, she is really caught up in working full time, and taking internet classes after work till early Am hours, and does not have much time to inform herself, nor is she really concerned with the issues yet.

She is registered to vote and knew today was coming.I was looking forward to this because she is always talking about how she want's to be treated as an adult, and I'm thinking, okay, my little girl is finally grown up and ready to show the world she has a voice and can make an adult decision.

I listen to alot of talk radio, and while running her and her sisters around to and from places in the evening, I have the radio on, and the kids and I discuss certain candidates and their positions daily.

My younger daughters think along the same lines as I do, and I find it flattering that they think the same as I do, and have strong moral convictions.

Well my Wife, Daughter and I went to vote today during my daughter's lunch break, but at the last minute, my daughter gave us a hard time and said she did not know anything about any of the candidates and did not want to waste her vote.


I asked her if she had been paying attention to all the discussion we have had in the car and at the dinner table lately, and she basically did not say a word.

Within milliseconds I'm thinking:
I am not suprised at her position because she is so inundated with school and work, but I also wish, as her father, that she would have at least asked me one more time for my opinion or guidance, but she did not.

I did not want to look like an overbearing prick and say "You need to just vote for such and such because I am."

So I just said " I don't know what to tell you hun, we have been talking about it for months, and apparently you are not ready."

She just looked at me and did not say anything.

As her Dad, I feel a little jaded because she did not ask me my opinion which leads me to think she does not respect it, but, on the other hand, I feel that she is naive and just plain uninformed and not ready.

You think grown women are hard to figure out, try having a wife and five teenage daughters to live with...Ahhhhh!!!

Thank God and his dominion I have a man house in the back yard.

I will say though that my three oldest have had a rough childhood before we adopted them 8 years ago, and the oldest especially has a hard time communicating her thoughts and feelings.

Sorry for the rant, I just needed to vent a little.