help? sl/6 dist-firing order DIAGRAM

Try swapping #1 and #2 plug wires. Tell us what happens.

Torquehouse...i owe u one! sometimes you can`t see the forest for the trees and so much for "expurts" ...haha...
i drew the various firing orders on one page and after looking (and echoing in my head, what u said) i changed plugs 1 and 2 ...this yielded a marked improvement...and then, since i have almost no tools, seriously...i have 2 screwdrivers, needlenose pliers, a gerbertool and a 3/8" ratchet (no extension) and 3 short sockets! ...oh and i have DUCT TAPE! (actually theatre gaffers tape...its THE best! ...goes 10% faster...haha...)
i decided to move them all clockwise one more cog...and that did it! been along time since i drove a slant, but i couldn`t believe they were really that
S L O W ...its like a new car now! i might even pull out into traffic!
thankyou Torquehouse!!! (and thanks to A Bodies Only!!!) hmmmm, maybe it will see paint one day yet!