motor or body work

Ive been restoring,customizing,you name it for over 20 years.Ive put cars together every different way possible.It can be done either way.I personally like to drive my cars too much,so im gonna do the engine/engine compartment first,so i can drive this thing while i work all the wrinkles out of it,and prime/paint the rest.But my car will be like my avatar,orange and black,but the whole thing will be painted black singlestage urethane to begin with,for a few reasons,mainly because black shows everything.after the black cures for a month or so,i will sand the whole thing down with 1000 grit on a block,repair anything i might have missed the first time,shoot the hemi orange on top,silver aar stripe on the side,and clear the whole thing.Thats how i like to do mine.