I'd like to live in their world

Kenny Wayne is a car guy though - I'm jealous as well but if I could play guitar like Kenny Wayne, I'd be doing the same if I made the money. I'd never want to exclude him from a group of "car guys". Hard to believe in our culture you can be despised if you've "made it big". True some are undeserving of their fame and riches - but again, I spoke with Kenny Wayne for some time at a stop on the '06 Power Tour, hardly anyone recognized him, I just saw his "Extreme Lee" Charger and spotted him with his girlfriend, I doubt he does much wrench turning or sanding but he'd be in the hobby either way. I know other guys with big money (and sweet rides) in my area and all you hear is how loaded they are, as if that makes them different than us paycheck to paycheck dudes. When I get rich and famous, :bs: will I lose all my car buddies 'cause I can stroke checks for my cars ? Hope not.