I'd like to live in their world

fixing up old hot rods used to be a normal mans thing which you could do alot yourself and on a small budget, but thanks to the famous whoop d freggin do barrett jackson and other car auctions the hot rod car, parts car parts, performance goodies, and average 1000- 3000 dollars for a great lookin car is now down the drain. the higher end class of rich people and collectors I think just like to see who will pay the most money for a car, usually 20 times what it is worth. which comes all the way down the ladder to the average joe who works from payday till payday to make a livin, and the hobby we average car enthusiests put blood sweet and tears into and love is slowly pricing itself out of our reach. my opinion though, if we had only known 10 years ago when you could buy any a body for 1000 bucks and it was a good one, we could all be rich now. but $$ is what makes the world go round, like gas the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. hope i didn't offend anyone:-D