WA state Bill - Tax for Engine displacement

A slant 6 would be $225.00! $400 for a 440. Just as an example if this thing passes. It does not specifically exempt "classic cars"! Also see the additional "fees" for "emissions". We could be paying $400.00, or more, to register our vehicles annually if this thing passes.


Check this out...go down to where it says "Original Bill" and read it. This bill was just brought to the WA senate, it's been referred to different commitees. I figure if I bring this to your attention you can bring this to everyone you know there who doesn't want to pay a stupid amount of money for having a car just to pay for roads in Seattle. I would imagine this bill won't make it past the commitees but just in case it's probably a good idea to get people aware of it so the can petition their Legislators now.