What is your Other Car?

My DD at the moment is a 2000 eclipse, I paid it off last week, and plan to sell it soon, as I am going to be buying a new 727 for the DUSTER! (the old tranny is well worn out)

I plan to make my Duster my Daily ride, as its so awesome of a car, and a blast to drive (full throttle passes on the freeway are insane) its doesnt look like much, but I wont have to worry about door dings or it getting keyed like my other car did.

Also, after I finish my 67 elcamino, I will drive that too , as its my only truck.

I also have a 69 yellow roadrunner coupe, that needs restore, I am building a 440 for that ride, I will drive it often, but I wont be my DD, as its going to be very nice when its done.
Here is my webpage for my current cars!(minus the eclipse) :