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Mister Twister, why don't you just put an end to all speculation and scepticism by either posting the dyno figures, or having a well-known and respected builder in the Mopar community observe the testing, and vouch for your product. You know... a paid spokesperson. Manufacturers claims are just that... claims. Until you have verifiable numbers to back the claims, forget selling the Power Pipe to anyone here. We're only asking you to prove that what you're telling us is true. Is that too much to ask? How difficult can it be?

As far as being a businessman representing a product, you're doing a poor job. Your attitude is gonna keep a lot of folks from buying your products (Power Pipe or anything else), whether you back your claims or not. It's a new world out there as far as marketing is concerned. Consumers are much more knowledgeable, and conscious of how they spend their dollars. Read that last paragraph again, sir. Then read it again.

Prove your claim... or just let the furor die down. We welcome you as a member, but stop throwing fuel on the flames.

That was the issue on .org. Mr. Twister and his wife made many claims, promised to post dyno sheets, time slips, etc.., and then never did. They also personally attacked Doug Dutra for not posting any dyno sheets for his Dutra Duals when Doug wasn't even involved.

People who saw the Power Pipe live and in person, held them in their hands even, called them cheaply constructed junk.

So, if ya wanna buy from these folks go right ahead.

Cyber stalker? Get over your bad self Mr. Twister. I check in on this board about twice a month maybe. It was just intersting to see you over here now hawking your crap to the sheeples. How many of these people supporting you are you under an assumed name like you did on .org?