Free ford flathead motor

48-49 A-B TRUCK motor.

Im pretty sure that this motor is yard art unless your feeling brave you can still get sleeves for these motors. One of the water pumps turns the other is frozen. I got it at the Mt Vernon swapmeet a while ago for 40 bucks. It had been sitting in the back of a truck in the woods since the late 50's. I got it for a project that has been sold and now this is taking up space in my garage. Im pretty sure that it is filled with some sort of sludge that at one time was oil and water but now smells like satans *** after a sloppy joe party. I sold the carb off it and made my money back so if you want it come and get it I have a cherry picker and can help load it in your truck, van, trunk or we can duct tape it to your bike.
It is 12 mins. east of Seattle.