pay back for senators

while walking down the street one day a us senator was hit and killed by a truck and dies. his soul arrives in heaven and is met with st. peter at the entrance. welcome says st. peter before you settle in there is a problem. we seldom see high officials here so we are not sure what to do with you yet. no problem he says just let me in. we would like to but orders from higher up say you have to spend 24 hours in hell and then 24 hours in heaven and chose witch one you want to spend eternity in. senator says oh I want to spend it in heaven please. st. peter says we have our rules. st peter escorts him to the elevator and down, down, down to hell. when the doors open he is on a green golf course with all his buddys playing golf and partying, 24 hours pass and he is sorry to go but up to heaven he goes. he sings and praises allday with the angels he has a good time, when 24 hours pass st. peter returns to him and ask well where do you want to spend eternity? senator says well I never thought I would say this but I think hell is for me so off to the elevators he goes and down, down, down to hell. when the doors open he sees all his friends in rags and he is in the middle of barren land covered with garbage and waste. he says to the devil I was here yesterday and it was a green golf course we were dancing and partying now look, what happened.? devil said yesterday we were campaigning today you voted!!!