Help pick a cam

Lunati Voodoo 60401 or 60402

Agree, with that 2.94 gear you have to watch how big the cam is. You can go bigger and the motor will lope great but the car will be lazy taking off from the light.

Sometimes thou thats what they want.

We have a old Chevy over here that sounds like its got a 240 @ .050 cam in it. Our street is a 25 mph zone. He needs to wind out the gears a bit just driving past my house. Its so loud and goes so slow. I be ashame to drive it but I think he loves it.

That car needs 4.10 gears or more and more compression. He only drives it a few times a month and needs to let it warm up 15 mins before driving it. You can hear it all though the area--often times it stalls out. He guns the crap out of it and 15-20 mins later hes coming down the road :toothy10:

But once its good and hot, yeah, you can hear it loping away a mile a way :-D