WA state Bill - Tax for Engine displacement

This is why I'm scared to go to college back in the Northeast or in the Rust Belt. So many stupid super-liberal wackos making all the decisions, I'm afraid to drive anything there except a POS Honda! I can see it now, me cruising down a street in Boston in my Duster, the 360 and uncatalyzed dual exhaust rumbling obnoxiously; then everybody starts staring at me and screaming, "Way to ruin the environment!."

On another note just FYI, global warming is a crock. This SAME EXACT THING happened over a hundred years ago (and a hundred years before that) what with the global temperature rising and the polar ice caps shrinking. Of course it all came back and went back to normal in due time. Not to mention BY FAR the gas that has the BIGGEST effect on our climate is in fact water vapor and makes up a large amount of our atmosphere (obviously), while things like CO and NOx make up less than 1%. Now I understand in places like big cities where smog is a big problem, but that's my point... Pollution is only a problem in condensed areas; it doesn't really affect the whole world, apart from really huge factories (and even then it's only is really tiny bit). People can be so full of **** it makes me sick. If we really want to clean up the air, we should plant more trees in big cities.

Correction: I just looked it up to make sure, and water vapor accounts for around 1% of the atmosphere; CO2 is around 0.038%, and CO and NOx are less than 0.00005%.