One of our members has had a stroke

Just wanted to give you an update. This is actually Marvin from the rehab center but i will try not to make the typing to horrendous. I am 40 and i hit my snooze alarm twice to go to work a late Janaury morn. I appearently to th stroke then took to my hospital scanned and rushed to another because of the head bleed this was last sunday in January. 4 days later i came out ok, but didnt know many not even my own baby daughter.

After 10 days I was shipped to my hosp, out of danger but no use of right side(I am was right sided). 41/2 days hater I am in rehab; The baby has started sleeping for all night, that is helping my loving wife Wendy, and my 16 year son is helping as well some oh her family so she can see me and deal with all insurances and help keep the snow cleared. My parents help they fixed my blower, snow blew avd baby sit so everyone is great and well wisghes in this thim of need.

Can get aroud ang get things from the wheel done but i dont expect to get out for a long time yet. started talking alot better, leg movement, good balance. Thew are teaching me to walk, took me small steps to day..I do get tired quick though. That is an up date four you takes me a log time to write but i will try to update and srry I couln,t remember most names memory sucks...But i do appreciate you great bunch of people thanks Marvin