One of our members has had a stroke

I commend your son ! This must be hard on him.
I don't know his name and if he reads this thread tell him we all are proud that he is there for you and the rest of the family.:salute:

To your son Marvin, Sir you will be doing allot around the house, If you see anything out of place or feel you are needed I know you will step in and take care of it or help someone with there problems.
Something tells me you are a 25 year old in a 16 year old body. :angel5:
Your father is very proud of you and your
wisdom will grow tremendously during this time.
Stand tall for him and your family and give your dad a big hug for us all.

I have been in your shoes when I was 17, My uncle had tree young children.
and a home to take care of.

sorry if I got out of place here, I could not help it:sad4: