Electric fan

Well, I went to the web page and found just a blank page. So, I searched around and found notes on several Mustang forums that say the maker, Brian Baskins, hasn't been able to keep up with demand. (He builds them from his house) So he has limited his sales to members of those forums with occasional sales to "outsiders". You can go to this link and send him an e-mail to see what happens. http://www.dccontrol.com/0820.htm I got mine a couple of years ago and it was easy to get at that time. It would seem to be a hassle to get his controller the way he is dealing now but it really is a nice item. When you start the car the fan doesn't come on until radiator temp rises. Then the fan speed increases as water temp increases. Most of the time the fan runs quietly, instead of the low or high speed standard of the fan alone. Since startup is progressive it doesn't give the high amp startup draw like just using relays. ( I was seeing a 30 amp startup draw when using just relays) It also has a yellow wire that can be hooked up to run the fan after engine shutdown until cool, like modern cars. Here's a link that tells a bit more about it. www.mallcrawlin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7729

Good luck.