Disc brakes from my parts car

Vs29H1B vbmenu_register("postmenu_245237", true); Thanks for the response. I was just sitting here reading posts on the subject, trying to decide what to do. I think, based on some good online material, and your response, that I cannot go wrong for the near term by swapping to the KH brakes. Lots of confusing info but I think I'm getting to the point where I am understanding better. I have verified that i have the 4" bolt circle, commonly referred to as SBC which means, like you say that to go for bigger brakes, better wheels, etc I will have to swap out the rear end and front hubs, etc for 73-76 A body 4.5" units. I know a lot of people on here recommend to go the whole distance and say that the KH brake swap isn't worth it. But since I don't have unlimited funds and I actually want to drive the car this spring, I'm going with it! Thanks for the input.