Web page hosting?

Basically you pick the hosting company you want to go with and sign up for a package, in your case I would recommend a very basic package, but be sure you can upgrade later to something larger should the need arise. You could pay anywhere from $3 to $20 depending on what you want.

Once you sign up, they will send you the required information, the domain name server location. You input that information wherever you registered your domain name, then wait for the servers to propogate the new information. Basically you are telling the internet where exactly the files that make up www.autoideas.net reside, and where the domain name servers will point when a user types in www.autoideas.net. As long as you maintain your domain name, you can "host" your files with any hosting company you want for the rest of your life. I've switched hosting company quite a few times, but maintained the same domain names so nobody but me knows the difference.

The Hosting company will provide you with tools to manage your account and domains. With the tools you will be able to set up your own email addresses, transfer files, etc.

I have what's called a reseller package with www.valuhost.com. I can host domain names as if I were a host provider myself. I wanted this because I have quite a few different domain names and actually charge a few people for their hosting. I pay $20/month for this. I can control all the email addresses I want for each domain I host (about 10) as well as user accounts to control access to the domains, etc. I don't think you want anything this complex, but I started out just like you with one domain name with a basic package.