Web page hosting?

Up until February 22, I would have wholeheartedly recommended Dot5 web hosting. It was easy to use, template-based (basically fill out forms that turn into web pages), and their customer service was great. It was under $80 for 2 years, and that included my site's .com registration fee and reserved my website name until the end of time.

BUT ... they recently transitioned their existing accounts to a new platform, Vdeck 3.0. Everything worked fine -- EXCEPT FOR MY WORK SAMPLE PHOTO GALLERY, the most popular section of my website! Now it has a "404 Error" and the pages are GONE.

I HATE IT! It went from being easy to use to requiring a degree in computer engineering. I've been trying to figure out how to get my Gallery back since February 23 ... but it's beyond me.

For the time being (until I get this crap figured out), you can see the work sample photos under the "Color Charts" tab ... I had to upload all the pictures onto photobucket because I couldn't see any alternative, and I'm losing business as a result of the host's transition.

Any computer engineers who wanna give me a hand, I'd be forever in your debt!!!

I am not familiar with Vdeck so i couldn't even begin to explain how to do this. I have a feeling your pics are still on your site. When they got rid whatever you were using before and updated to Vdeck the new software would not know what you had setup before in the old. So you will have to log into vdeck and see what they have for tools. I am sure there is some sort of gallery in there as this is pretty standard for any web hosting package. It may even be the same gallery software as before you only need to go back in there and reset it all back up.