413 vs 440??

GЯEENHOЯNET;247868 said
without blueprinting the block..its closer to 9-9.2:1cr on the older 440's. best money you'll ever spend is to blueprint any Mopar engine. Not to mention the older 440's (sans the 915 headed ones) have terrible quench charactoristics.

God, why do I bother. check out link http://www.mopar1.us/CHRY-71.rtf
What's it say for the CR ratio for 71 440's and 70's. http://www.mopar1.us/CHRY-70.rtf
and 69 440's http://www.mopar1.us/CHRY-69.rtf
And right from the horses mouth in 1970 http://www.hamtramck-historical.com/images/dealerships/DealershipDataBook/1970/70_Charger0013.jpg
