HELP, Bad Torque converter or bearing?

I have a 71 Scamp 225/904. for the last week i have had a "jiggle, jiggle noise under the hood. You know, the kind of noise you get from a bad PS Pump bearing or something loose under the hood.

Today i took everything rotating out of the equation. I took the PS and Alt belt off so nothing was rotating in the front, and it still made the noise.

It seems not to do it till it gets warm, then its loud enough to be heard when your 10 or 20 feet away or so.

I thought it may be the trans kickdown or a fuel line jiggeling against the block, but i crawled under it with the engine running and didnt see anything.

It stops the noise all the way in Park, and it is fainter in Neutral. It really seems like it is coming from the transmission somewhere.

Anyone have any ideas?