A body newb. Need help on value of dart I am negotiating on.

Hey , Thanks for the responses

I could have gotten it for $2000, I was there with the money and the trailer and decided it was not for me. After what one member had pm'd me with a range of $800 to $1500 for similar cars in california it got me worried. It would have been my first mopar muscle car, I have a 69 camaro that we have owned since 1970 that I am doing right now and the price of the convertible GT got me fired up! My plan was to get the 225 running and drive it for kicks while I finished the camaro and then do the dodge. But it needed more attention than I could give it.

Probably for the best, the car was the young mans grandpas, he was closing up the auto shop and selling/cleaning out the building, he will be keeping the car, right where grandpa would lhave liked it to be!

Anyway I have learned alot about the a bodies and they look like a great way to get into a muscle car w/out having to mortgage the house. With five kids in the wings I can see an A body in our future.

BTW- I am not a camaro snob, I love all the old iron, just fortunate that my dad bought one in 1970, i grew up loving it. The way people are acting now about Camaro's is crazy. Ruining a lot of good cars and driving regular people out of the hobby. my .02