Web page hosting?

I've had great host providers that offered everything I needed for a good price, but then when something went wrong there was nobody around to help me. One in particular I can remember moved everything to a new server and then 2 of my domains just wouldn't work. I tried everything!! Nobody would answer emails, nobody anwers the phone..finally I had to abandon ship because I needed the domains working. They still send me a bill....as if I'm going to pay it....and my server access is still good but I don't have any domains there any longer. I suppose I could upload a bunch of crap to their server to try and slow it down or something... Anyhow, now I know they don't know what they're doing. They were called Authentic Hosting, beware!

Sounds like maybe the nameservers just had to be pointed at the new servers but yea your right if they can't provide good support to tell you how to do that, its useless!