Web page hosting?

Just re:did our site celticaura.com probobly not a site for the average Mopar guy ,cudachick might like it.

Beastie, I guess I must be more of an "average Mopar guy." LOL! It may -- or may not -- come as a surprise, but I hate to shop, avoid the mall at all costs, don't gossip, hang out in the garage with the guys during parties rather than in the kitchen with the girls exchanging recipes and embarrassing stories about my man ... and, aside from one pair of earrings and my engagement ring, I'm not really much into diamonds either. But thanks for the thought!!! Very nice website though -- you did great! :cheers:

Despite all my complaints a couple weeks ago about Dot5's new hosting platform, I think I've got it figured out now. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks??