What's It Worth?

What’s it worth? Loaded question. So many variables.
1. Is the THE car you want? If so, doesn’t matter what anyone else would give for it.
2. Is money (within reason) an object to you? (See above)
3. Is the car as nice as it appears? No rust, all original cars are worth a premium tome.
As far as what to do with it. That is even more of a personal choice. If all you did were re-badge the car, 99.9 percent of the people walking the earth wouldn’t know (or care) the difference. Just stay away from car shows and nitpickers. (OK the wheels must go).
A rose by any other name……………..
Nothing wrong with a 318 either to get from point A to B.
Most people like black. Not my first choice car. Certainly looks good on this car.