What's It Worth?

I would not road Runner it, I would leave it like it is.

I don't play the "make me an offer" game. Ask him "what you gotta have out of it?" and go from there. Remember in the make me an offer game the first one to name a number generally looses. If he wants to sell it, he already knows what he wants, and what he will take, otherwise he is just "fishing" for a stupid money offer he might or might not take. Have you ever sold a car on "make me an offer" without a number in mind? Would you have taken less then the number you had in mind?

Just my opinion, but I have been doing this for a while. Of course if you "can't live without this car" then you have to pay whatever price he wants . If you are willing to walk away, then you are in the "drivers seat" so to speak. Also you would be surprised the wonders that a wad of cash a bit smaller then his asking price will do, having a car trailer behind your truck when you show up don't hurt either.


Good sound advice. Especially the "Also you would be surprised the wonders that a wad of cash a bit smaller then his asking price will do" tip. It has worked for me.