engine break in

i cant say anyhting more about the insurance issue becasue all it will do is cause for this thread to continue, i havent done anything becasue cracked has asked for a refund from paypal, so paypal is now handling this all, if they say i got to give him his cash back i will. but like i did say eariler insurance was not meant to be charged but it was, but the reason i dident want to do anything was becasue it says the item was recieved. that means that i could go to every person i bought an item from that dident have insurance and say that i dident get it and that the trackign was all bull, but its in the hands of paypal rewing it all.... if they say give him his money i will

And you can go to paypal RIGHT NOW and send the money back...

Quit trying to hide behind BULLSHIT excuses, like it's out of my hands. Even if paypal says your good, you're getting a chargeback from my credit card company. You just want to make it difficult.

Here's why I wanted it insured. Because I have to sign for it and get it in hand. I've had too many problems with delivery using USPS in the last 2 years. Once you learn how to deal with it, then the stress iof non receipt is gone. I've received EVERY package that was insured using USPS, coincidence?? Nope.

You appear to have admitted you messed up, fix it NOW!