any harley-davidson guys here?

Nowadays you just cant seem to find fellow HD enthusiast who enjoy aggressive time in the saddle or a quick 10,000 mile trip.
Aint it the truth. Though a 10G ride is a bit out of the box for me. My trouble is time. Having to little ones is a crimp puts a on things time wise.
Gettin off this island, unless very early start times are done, can be a long time in waiting.
"Deals Gap" the Tail of the Dragon".
I thought that was great. 318 turns in 11 miles. WOW!
I'll just have to remember not to do it on the weekend again. Far to many rocketeers racing around and passing you in wacked spots of turns and double yellow lines. Poor Harley Guys can't cruise and enjoy.

Prine, even though it was a search on who has a Harley, another make, in example of old ones are a welcome site to see and any biker can jump in on the thread IMO and ride with me so long as there a casual rider. Anybody have the need for crazy stunts, moves and speed, please proceed far a head of me. I'll meet you there later.

Bousa riders and the like have there bikes for there style of riding. And thats great. Just not for me.
(I wish they would stop guming up traffic for wheelie contests)