Painless Harness

you can get any harness you need from evans,,,i think you send them yours,,and they copy it and add what ever you need to it,, i have seen other guys on this site and other sites using there harness,,they look great, im not sure if evans has new terminals or if they use yours,they advertise in the mopar magazines,,, mopar colectoors guide for sure,,i dont have one here at the moment to give you there phone number,,,maybe you can google them,,,and compare there price to year 1..or maybe put a wanted add on the mopar sites for a good used harness,,,some one im sure is parting out a car some where on these sites,, not sure what you have,,,,

the problem with ALL the after market wiring is they DO NOT use the factory mopar plugs,or mopar color code,they only know how to do it for a GM,,,
im soon going to rewire my entire car using a ron francis harness,,

another way you can fix your harness, ( 917 ) 861-9131
can mail you a beautiful laminated,correct color coded wiring diagram,to hlep you remake your one harnes,,,very easy to read,all you need is the terminals,,
hope this helps you