Bad news for the CA central Valley

Unfortunately 60 minutes is having al gore on this week again, where he's gonna say anyone who doesn't believe in man-made global warming are a fringe minority like the flat earth people were and like the kooks who don't believe we went to the moon.

He's announcing the start of a $300 million ad campaign about global warming.

If we are just a fringe group why does he need a 300 million dollar campaign to convince us....what a fraud.

I think its more like a $300 million brain washing campaign...

That is not far from the truth. There are lots of facts on "our side" that are not being promoted. I admit that the guy is going above the call of duty to stand up for what he believes in, but the propoganda and whatnot is perposterous.

He is also quite the hypocrit as well. Do think he rides around in economy cars? Hell no, he is riding around in big gas sucking limos and his electric bill is one of the highest in the region of his residence. I say its a farce and one should practice what one preaches.

Ok, I dont like to be opinionated, like that campaign seems to be full of, so I will just silently watch now.