1967 Dodge Dart GT 340-4 Speed

I like your response, goes to show you that your not a person I would want to deal with in the first place, why don't you go and post it for sale on the BBD Board, OH I FORGOT they don't have a for sale board LMFAO !!!!!, thats a CHEEZEY site, only there for the promotion of Bill Reilly's products or to talk about personal problems like getting a divorce and stories of buying yellow 4-speed darts for 7 or 8 Grand.

Just because I live in Nebraska does not mean our cars are all rusty, thats typical West Coast /Big City stereotyping, maybe thats the assumption you made when you put the price on your car, now if you want to put your convertible up for sale for 14K lets talk.

Hey, hey , hey ... let's play nice here. There are several of us on both sites. Let's just look at the positives of each site and what it does for us and the hobby.