My Duster....

Hi to all, i just had some questions relating to my car that i was going to ask the memebers of this board, after hearing from a certian memeber of this board (no names) i came to thinking that my "piece of junk" (quoted from a relation to this person) has every right to sit where ever i plan to park it whether it be in my dirve way, on my lawn or in my proud of the time and effort i put into it with my father for the past 5-6 years, my father being my guidance and myself the builder, (thank you Dad)... we started 5-6 years ago with a $400.00 granny 6 banger, and now i have a car thats worth a heck of alot more in centamental and cash value that i hope to own as long as i can, learning from my fathers mistake of selling his muscle cars as he was a after this being said, i am going to post some pics for everyone to see, and i want to know your HONEST oppinions please, i dont care if their negative or positive, i ant to really know if my car is a peice of junk, to me it is my heart and soul, blood and tears, and many memories... so please reply i dont care if you own a muscle car, truck, van, or even a ford persay, i want to hear responses, and to those individuals out there thinking my car is junk, and seing it on the hiway im still getting bugs out, and ajusting to my liking. thank you all once again.


P.S. some of the pictures are from a year or so ago when the car was not 100% complete, the front was modified because i accidentally broke the original grill and i wanted more air flow for the engine comp. and the rear because i saw a prototype pic of a duster in a book and wanted to duplicate it, i didnt want a car that looks like all the other ones, sory i understand why people like original, but i wanted something different.



my dusterback 008 mini.jpg


