Todays finds

"Mopar Mouse" is not a mouse at all he's a "Vole"
If I still had "Princess" a 28" Red Snakehead I would have fed it to her. I might turn him loose in the neighbors yard, she calls the cops on us all the time.
Today she was taking pictures of the engines in the driveway. She'll be complaining to the city Monday morning.
A few weeks back we were cutting up a 64 Dart that we had parted out. She called the cops on us for making too much noise(sawsall on sheetmetal) when the cops wouldn't do anything about it she complained about my 66 Valiant and said that it had been parked in the street for 5 weeks and hadn't moved. The cops started checking all the cars on the street to make sure they moved every 3 days. The neighbor that complained got a parking ticket. Can you say karma