Trucker Strike

more rail lines is the answer - yeah right those under cutting bastards took almost all of our bulk freight going to chicago this week! they took it from us and another bulk hauling company here in town! thats going to hurt alot of truck drivers here in our community! i understand that the railroad can haul it cheeper than we can and that people have to look out for for their business too but when it hits right here at home like that it hurts. usually i know what i am doing for following mon. by thurs afternoon. this week i called in on thurs, fri and sat morning looking for a load and my dispatcher told me to get ahold of him mon morning and he would try to have something for me. its nice to have a long weekend like this every once and a while but it sure hurts the pay check. maybe thats what i get for choosing to be a dry bulk tank driver and not a van driver! oh, and by the way i fiiled up in erie pa this week almost 980 dollars worth glad im not payin for it! im sure that we all will eventually pay for it at the grocery store etc.