weird noise

I think it would help if you could try and be more specific. It sounds like more than one issue, ill take a stab at it...

"when i got to in n out, it made a strange noise when i turned it off. sort of like the starter was trying to engage and smacking the teeth on the torque converter."

First off, don't speak of in-n-out...i have their decal on my truck and am still 2500miles away from the nearest one lol. Anyway! this 'strange noise' when you turned it off. Did it sound like the engine was still trying to run? Kinda like a diesel sound?

"...i went to start her up and it took 3 tries to get her to start. "

These three tries, was the starter cranking during these trys? Did the starter sound like it was struggling, was it trying to fire up/start? What did it take to get it to start? Play with the pedal? just kept cranking?

"..."as soon as i got home it did a different weird noise kinda the pistons were scraping/grinding it sounded horrible. i did notice a little bit of white smoke coming from the exhaust manifolds so im thinking either my head or exhaust gasket is blown. "

Again, anything like the first 'strange noise'? Sounds like it could be dieseling. Did the white smoke come off the exhaust manifold, or out the exhaust? If it came off the exhaust manifold, there should be a visible oil leak you can take a look at. Do you have a functioning PCV system?

"...took 2 tries this time to turn her on. i noticed a little bit of white smoke coming out the tailpipes. after i turned the duster off it bucked 3 times and stopped. again it sounded like the starter was trying to engage."

White smoke from the tailpipes will tell you that some kind of way, there is oil entering the cylinders. Possibly valve seals, head gasket, etc. It 'bucking' sounds like what i've been leading onto about 'dieseling'.

How many miles are on this engine? Does it use oil? Tired fuel pump can cause hard starting, however there 'should' still be remaining fuel in the bowls by the time you are done with your double-double. Possibly the fuel is leaking out of the carb, into the intake, giving you hard starting issues.

Sorry for all the 'could be' s, but thats the best i can do with the information given :/
does sound like it was dieseling, ill check the carb gasket, i have a breather, no water so far in the oil, miles on the motor dont know, doesnt burn oil, i started it by giving it some gas and i got my 4x4 to go. sorry for the in n out thing.

your head might be blown check it out might need to get new head's
if it comes to that, im just going to start putting in the 383.

You said you changed the coil is it possible you bumped the distributor and moved to timing off?
possibly good idea.