Mopars At The Strip -2008

There was one guy there with alot of parts and I know where he gets them. Then he jacks up the price(4x) to rip off the hobbiest. I wouldn't buy a part from him even if he had the last NOS part in the world.

I think you and I speak of the same guy! The same guy that is so gracious to assist in setting up the swap area prior to anyone entering, thursday, and nailing every good part at a reasonable price and jacking it by a factor of 2-4... yeah that guy. He's killing lots of little guys and cares about one thing only $$$$$$. When you try to sell a clutch sure grip assembly only, no case/gears, that needs a rebuild and missing the crossbolts for $300, you're an idiot!

I have a funny story about him trying to buy parts from me at a swap once and a discussion my buddy had with him at a boneyard. Not for this topic.

Steve, to answer your question about space cost. It really is an issue of pricing your parts to move. Whether it's a $10 space or a $500 space. If the stuff doesn't move, your toast anyways. In retrospect, the MATS pricing is outrageous. If I had a few items to sell, I'd try to hook up with a friend with a swap spot and float them a $20. I certainly couldn't park my trailer in a space smaller than 20x30 which puts me at $125 minimum. I think I paid about $60 last time I was at Fling for a space big enough for my trailer.

Prior to the event I heard lots of complaining about race entry/payouts, swap space cost, RV parking and the killer that drove a stake into the heart of the event... fuel prices.