I dont know what to do with my wife...

Well my wife has been pretty good about the Swinger build. Now she says she wants me to fix her one up after the dart is out of the shop and road ready... I said hell yeah baby what kind of car you want!!!!! She says I want an Elcamino....... LOL I said ok which year she said I dunno the old boxy ones.. LOL So I got on ebay and pulled up a 66-67 cause that would be the only one I would want. LOL She goes no that ones ugly. Ok so I find one a lil older and she goes there it is.... Its a 64 and I have to admit its a good lookin body.. I said what color you want it to be baby... She shoked me when she says bright pink. I said pink and she goes yeah. I guess Im going to have ane bad *** pink camino b4 its over. I guess Im lucky that she likes older cars even though I dunno what a pink camino looks like. Just had to vent a lil bit guys sorry....