I dont know what to do with my wife...

I think you are very lucky she wants an El Camino, mine wants a Bettle. I don't know what to do. LOL

I had a 63 just kike Herbie (Disneys Love Bug). Being one of the most dependable vehicles ever built you know she'll get from A to B without any problems, even in snow. Bundke up good though cause they dont have much of a heater.
When I walked through the plant to my job people would ask me if I drove a motor cycle to work. LOL
I had a 70 SS El Camino too. Wife liked it but I didn't care for it much.
Just a slight uphill grade on a wet interstate and running about 60 it would just turn loose, hydroplane. Several times on the same 3 mile stretch of I-85 near me. Let off the throttle and it would hook again but still scarey.