Paint Job

Back to the question about color. I would do it what ever color tickles your fancy. These are not particularly valuable cars that painting them a non stock color will make a big difference in their value. And there are a multitude of more interesting colors than what was offered in 68 to chose from. BTW, mine was orignally Q1 fire Blue Metallic with a medium blue interior, a real boring combination IMHO.

I painted mine sub-lime because; 1) I wanted some thing that was different and noticable, 2) This was to be my first attempt at doing body and paint work. solid colors are easier to apply for the novice and the bright color will hide a multitude of not so good body work.

I am working on 8 years an over 50k miles on that paint job and it will need to be repainted here in the next few years. Now that I have had more experience it is going to be a tangerine orange metallic for the next paint job.

ALL MoPar's are valuable to a real enthusiast.