proud canadians

I guess I must be well outside the national average. I try not to walk more than 500 miles a year, and at 22 gallons of beer per year I'd die of dehydration. Hell, Memike drinks more beer than that. :)

I wish I could see the great country of Canada.
And meet OldVart , I like a good cold beer, and a good walk in the wilderness.
And from what I have learned here about Canada ! I would walk 400 miles for Sid so he could have a few with me just talking about the good times
and watch the whales, Moose, and do some fishing up there.
Hell:bootysha: I did not know the old fart owned a 65 GT dart till just the other day.

Yep !! I like beer, Toot, Toot ,Toot.:-D