my friend passed out after our party and...

Okay the hot dog idea is funny, but we went one better... my bud passed out at HIS OWN place during a guys' night one night. Being the evil ones that the rest of us are we went searching for something funny to do to him. One of our friends decided that he should just so happen to open the guy's girlfriend's underwear drawer and unbelievably happened upon her, well, okay it was a dildo LMFAO!!! So we decided to pull it out of the drawer stick the head of it in his mouth and take numerous photos with a polaroid!!! :snakeman: We threw all of the pictures, except one :snakeman:, all over his floor, and put everything else back where it "belonged". For some reason most of us have never been invited back!!! LMAO with tears coming out of eyes now. Dats funny stuff right der, I don't care who y'are!!!