small block headers

Yes,those would be tti's..i'll never use another brand , tti's well worth every penny spent,theres a company out there Dougs headers they tried to copy tti's.but theres only one original,yes they are a little pricey but you get what you pay for...quality cost..

I had my early A-body Dougs headers (part #D450) years before TTI had their early A-body headers. If Dougs has since revised their D450's (since they were purchased by Pertronix) then I can't speak to any design similarities to the TTI's product, but TTI was NOT the original at least for early A-body applications.:poke:

That said, the TTI's are NOTHING like the Doug's headers, and I couldn't agree more with 340srule in that the TTI's are a fantastic product (I have a friend with a 63 valiant with them and I am jealous of the fit). TTI's are one piece per side, Doug's are three piece per side. Both require front end disassembly for install, but I definitely like the way TTI achieved fitment.:headbang:

But for the record, the TTI's are cheap compared to Doug's (at least when I bought them) >>>> TTI's = $750, Doug's (in 2000) cost $900........
