340 coolant trouble

Thanks for everyone's help. I think my problem is that I do not get to work on my car as much as I like(with work) and forget where I left off sometimes. The temps just got in to the 40's where I live and once again will have some time to work on the car. I flushed the coolant, retightened the belts, adjusted the timing and replaced the top hose. Ran the motor, let it burp (still no guages) I am still working on that problem. Finally, it started to circulate and did not overheat. I have been working on this car on and off since 1988 my junior year in highschool. Between college, military and crappy jobs I finally am at a place in my life where I can afford to give the car what it needs. When I get burned out at the lack of progress I stop and work on other things around the house. You guys keep me going from time to time and it is getting close. I am not on the site nor reply to it as much as I would like but one thing is for certain I will never sell my car! I will try to get some pics on the site soon. Thanks again!!