I need pointers!!

63 Dartman -
For sure you'll find yourself all alone at the line if you wait for the 'green' to show. This is due to both your own personal eye-thru-brain-to-foot reaction time and the reaction time of your cars suspension. It kinda also depends on what type of 'tree' their running in Albuquerque. If it's a 'pro tree' where all ambers come on at once prior to the 'green', then I suggest you leave as soon as you see any hint of amber light. If it's a progressive tree where the ambers count down to the 'green', then start by leaving when the last 'amber' comes on. The type of bulbs used in the tree also make a difference. Incandescent bulbs are much slower to light and go out than LED bulbs (watch the tail lights of the next semi you're following for an example as many of them are now equipped with LED tail lights).
Depending on the combination of reaction times, you may need to fine-tune when you leave. If your leaving when the last amber comes 'on' and the reaction time on your time slip is still too high, try leaving when the next-to-last amber goes 'off'.
Above all, HAVE FUN. Once you do this, you'll be hooked!!!