Missing in action

I know I haven't been around as much as I should be, and I apoligise for it. I do pop in, but haven't been posting much, as I just can't seem to have any ...I don't know how to put it. I haven't done anything to my car, or much of anything else related to it, in the last 6 to 8 months.
But there have been things going on with my Grandfather that has put being here not a priority. He passed on to a better place yesterday afternoon.
This man was my hero! He was more of a father to me than my own.
He was so into helping others, and was always busy. Up until last year, at 90 years old he had more motivation, and could work circles around any of the younger generations. His mind was so sharp but his body just couldn't take anymore, and it pissed him off that his body wouldn't let him do what he wanted, or had to do. He called himself the pain in the ***, when he had to ask for help from anyone else, and he found it difficult to ask for help. He would rather have done it himself and not be a burdon to anyone, as he put it. On the other hand he was always asking if he could help out in any way, to help his family, or friends.
Up untill yesterday he was still making jokes, and his favorite past time was making my wife turn a bright shade of red. He said if he was a little younger he would be giving me a run for my money. Until his wife past 14 years ago, At the age of 76 he was wearing the carpet out between his and his wifes room.
I'm gonna miss the "Old Man" as he use to call himself.