Got some bad news at work today

I got layed off about a month ago from a job I work at for 10 years. I found another job, but I get payed almost half as much. I went from $20.00 an hour to $11.00.
On the up side, Im working 1st shift now and see my kids way more then i did before. I dont think Ill go back, even if they do ever come back around, Im loving this 1st shift. I will miss those 4 weeks vacation though.
My dart project would be slowed big time, but Im takin the dive and cashing out my 401k. Besides my car, I have a few other things I need to do around my house, and by cashing out my 401k my projects wont interfere with regular bills. My wife works in the medical field, so her job shouldnt be effected too much, if at all.