Cuda Capers: 4-20-08

Yeah, this is going to be a busy week. Especially since I can see this thing RUNNING..... real soon!

As promised, here's a few shots of what was done yesterday:

Here's the pump finally mounted for GOOD. It's all wired up and the damn rubber feety-thingies are properly positioned. Everything tight and ready for a nice steady diet of high-test. Now I just have to replace the aluminum line I installed last fall. Besides it not being properly installed, it looks like crap.

From another angle.... I'm happy with it. Finally.

Me & my Wife installed the drive shaft loop yesterday. She sat in the car holding the allen wrench while I tightened everything. She actually enjoyed helping me.

Drive shaft is in along with the U-Joint girdles. These were a necessity since I had ONE nut & bolt holding the U-Joint in with the remaining 3 being bolts threaded into the yolk. Yeah... previous owner hack-job. Now it's fixed. :-D

Today I installed my clutch linkage. Thanks to Steve (Redfastback) for the Z-Bar clip I picked up from him when I was in San Franscisco last year.

I also routed and installed those BEAUTIFUL battery cables Rick from Laysons made for me. I highly recommend contacting Rick if you need custom-made cables. These were about 3-4" longer than factory so I could route them away from the exhaust. I'll install a longer lower steering column plate bolt so I can screw on a rubber-lined steel clamp to hold the positive cable away from the Z-Bar "just in case...".

And I have shift linkage! Now I can sit in the car and stir that ski-pole I have for a shifter. Thank goodness I had my air-saw with me. I had to trim back that crossmember bolt flush with the nut. The damn shift linkage "just" hit it when I put it in reverse.

All I have left is to install the oil filter adaptor, speedometer cable, and bleed the brakes. I have the adaptor, just need the seal for the bolt. The speedo cable is in the trunk.... and I have to bring home my power bleeder. Dare I say it, but I *think* I'm DONE underneath! Except, of course, for swapping in the new TTI headers and X-pipe dual system after the engine is broken in.

Now I'm off to a nice dinner with Amy & her Mom. Later we'll watch the Mets (hopefully...) continue to kick-***. And I'll sleep good tonight knowing I fixed those rubber feet for the fuel pump.