9 things i hate about people

One of my favorites, even i'm guilty of this one...

"Yadda yadda yadda. comment. Blah blah."
"No, i said that to test whether or not the skys blue. Dumbass."

Or my personal favorite, i am not guilty of, because i mock others so often...

"Hey man, wats up?"

My reactions...
-Stare at them dumbly and slowly point up.
Ocassionally i will also slowly point down, and say "down." and follow with a left... and a right.
-"The sky, roof, planes, sun, etc."
-And my personal favotrite. When i don't like said person, and have 0 respect... Yelling and screaming over how dumb they are, ending with a comment on how they should re-attend kindergarten and figure out there directions again, and prolly do a refresher on 123's and ABC's.
Or when you don't know the person... that gets some funny reactions too.