Funny run in with a Duster owner Sunday morning.

Sunday morning I drove over to Border's to buy some books and get some coffee.
When I pulled in, I noticed I was a spot over from a '73 Duster.
I was excited to see that someone else was daily-ing an A-body, so I took a pic with my camera phone of both the Duster's tails sticking out of their spots.

As I did this the owner of the brown duster was walking to his car, and got in it.
I started to go into Border's, but the other Duster owner (a guy in his late 60's) jumps out of his car, looks at me angrily, and says "What do you think you were taking a picture of?"
I say "Your car."

"For what reason?!"

I respond with "Because I drive the same thing, and I think your car is cool."

He looks at me like I'm on crack, asks me where my car is, and I tell him it's parked right next to him.

I compliment him on his car, and he glares at me before backing out and leaving.

Haha, some people.
id like to see more pics of your Duster. if you could send me a few of that paint job and the body id be happy. what year and what have you got done to it?