Powder Coating

Thank you too Memike!!! I was just playing with your comments and pictures on my website this evening ... check this out http://phoenixs.dot5hosting.com/page8.html and let me know what you think! (You don't have to read everything; just roll your mouse over the customers' pictures for a big surprise.)

Bigmacdak, I'll look forward to working with you too! Just give me a call whenever you're ready. You might be interested to know that besides changing the feedback page today, I also added another Before & After SlideShow of some of the most recent work since the first one was full. Four FABO members' parts are featured on it! http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/...fter Photos/?action=view&current=244919c8.pbw (There will be LOTS of additions to this latest slide show in the next few days too, after just shipping a bunch of stuff out yesterday. The customers have to see it first before I show it to the world.) Both slide shows can be viewed from the home page on my website.
Thank you again everybody! I love my job :love7: